Welcome to 2013, may it be a good one (2012 wasn't all good, as Bob from Brockley reminds us).
I saw in the New Year in Telegraph Hill Park, or to be more precise the top park in Kitto Road SE14. I think it may have been the busiest yet, with hundreds of people celebrating. I think the first big New Year's Eve celebration there was for the Millennium, to greet the year 2000. Since then it has continued as a regular event. I love the fact that it just happens, no permission is sought, there is no planning or publicity, people just know to head to the top of their nearest hill to watch the fireworks all over London, and let off a few themselves.
On Twitter, NewXParkLife has been documenting a year in the life of Telegraph Hill Park in a 'loosely haiku format'. Here's a few from last night.
From pubs and parties,
streaming in at five to twelve
to greet the New Year
The news of midnight,
exploded across the crowd,
cheering and kissing
Rockets in the sky,
drinking, clinking and sharing,
singing Auld Lang Syne
South London hill top,
watching sparks and fire flash,
from East End to West
I took the photos above, one below is from Glenn Hancock on Twitter via Instagram
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